Mission Trips
You're a step closer to your journey in missions
Follow this link to register for a mission trip
In these very turbulent times, we can choose to engage our world, the poor and needy. Beyond words proclaiming the message of Christ by compassionate action – especially to those who do not have an opportunity to hear the Good News. Adonai Partners is committed to holistic transformation in communities in Africa – impacting spirit, soul, mind and body! The dates for our 2025 short-term mission trips will soon be provided here.
Short Term Trips can be life changing
In Mark 16:15, our Lord Jesus commanded us to “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone” (NLT). The Apostle Paul made this personal. He stated in Romans 15:20, “My ambition has always been to preach the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else.” Taking the Good News to those who have not heard it is our passion in Adonai Partners. We believe that to be strategic in aligning our work with God’s relentless purpose we must focus on those with the least opportunity of hearing the Good News, those referred to as unreached people. Follow this link to read about the countries we serve in. You probably know already that short term mission trips can be life-changing! Follow this link to register for one or more of our mission trips. We have provided the schedule below.
Serving in love
Register Today
God, out of the overflow of His character, is a Sender. We then, by nature, are sent. He moves us to get on our feet and go. So that’s why we go. We’re sent!
Every year, we take mission teams to Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, and Uganda carrying out high-impact medical, dental, educational and other community programs. There are many opportunities to use your skills to serve God by serving people He loves so dearly. We are glad that you can be part of an impact team working together for transformation in communities through compassionate action. Let us know how we can help you fulfil your call to missions. Trip cost and registration fees vary by location but are available upon request. Call or email us today. Follow this link to begin the registration process. And do not forget to read up the Adonai Code provided at here. If you are unable to go at this time, perhaps you can give to send someone who is available to go. Please follow the link below to donate.
Adonai Partners
P O Box 4155, Silver Spring, MD 20914