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A light to the nations

Updated: Mar 24, 2022

He says, “you will do more than restore the people of Israel to Me. I will make you a light to the Gentiles, and you will bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.” - Isaiah 49:6 NLT

Insight The Word in Life Study Bible has an article on Isaiah 49:6-7 which speaks of the Servant of God who would come to “raise up the tribes of Jacob” and to be a “light to the Gentiles.” He continues that this Servant will take His salvation to reach “to the ends of the earth”. Our Lord Jesus Christ was revealed as this Servant, this light of the world (Matt. 12:17–21; John 1:4–13; 8:12). The Lord then commissioned His followers to be lights as well, spreading His light to every corner of the earth. The Apostle Paul made this purpose personal when he stated in Acts 13:47 “For so the Lord has commanded us: ‘I have set you as a light to the Gentiles, that you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth’”. In saying “us”, Paul extends the mandate to the Church today. The question then is whether we as believers today are still a light to the world. The article goes on to proffer several reasons why we are not being lights, the most compelling being the loss of passion for evangelism and mission. No one will spread the light of Christ if no one believes that His light still needs to be spread. If one is satisfied that the mission has basically been completed, or that someone else will do it, or that the message has become irrelevant—then the light will go no further. But consider: Someone brought Christ into the midst of your own spiritual darkness. Is there any credible reason why you should not introduce someone else to His grace?


  1. Praise God for the outcome of our just concluded mission in northern Togo. Praise God for good health, safe travels and for His grace upon Rev. Samuel Odilatu, his wife and the team. Praise the Lord for using the team to strengthen the churches among the Gourmantché and Tamberma people. Jedidiah, wife of our staff in Togo, reported that this was a good experience. It was her first time to go on mission field. Though the journey was long and tiring, it was joyful. Two worship buildings in Dapaong and Nadoba were dedicated to the Lord. What touched her most was that the people were thirsty for God and want to grow spiritually. Praise the Lord for the work Adonai Partners is doing in Togo.

  2. Praise the Lord for the team of seven that just concluded their mission in Guinea with Africa Unreached People Mission. The team returned to Conakry safely. Praise God for the opportunity to serve among the Fula people of Guinea. Our brother Adegbola Oyinloye and other leaders met with church leaders and mission leaders in the country this week. Pray for wisdom as the mission continues to seek opportunities to collaborate with local leaders. Pray for discernment and an impartation of vision and passion for the unreached people groups in Guinea. Pray for the advance of the Gospel in Guinea.

  3. Pray for Timothy Fwans and his wife, Juliet, and their mission work in South Sudan. Pray for their work at a women camp reaching street children and vulnerable women. Pray for their vocational skills acquisition and literacy program. Pray also for their mission field in Yambio among the Zande people group, ask the Lord to bless the solar Bibles in Zande language in equipping the new disciples. Pray also for children of missionaries in the field, especially with regards to their education sponsorship. Pray for South Sudan, probably one of the most disorganized and the only country in the world with five vice presidents.

  4. The ninth chapter of Matthew has an account of people our Lord Jesus healed as He traveled through towns and villages teaching and announcing the Good News of the Kingdom. When he saw the crowds, He had compassion on them and told his disciples to pray for more workers because the harvest is great, but the workers are few. The harvest has been more than the available laborers from way back then. The need for workers remains more severe in places that are least-reached with the Good News. Pray that the few laborers in the field not be discouraged. Pray also for workers who are going, praying, or giving to find joy in what they do. Pray too for those who have the burden to give but are not able to do so because of their present situations. Ask the Lord to make a way for them to be able to give for missions.

  5. In his second letter to believers in Corinth, Paul was specific in wanting them to know of the troubles he faced. Today, the need remains for us to be well informed about what missionaries are going through on the field. Even in a world of instant communication through social media, many struggle alone. Quite commonly the needs are financial or other challenges but in every case, the need is for God’s intervention. Praise God for the opportunity Emilia Ogigirigi, Agape Missionary in Benin had to be part of our team during the just ended trip to northern Togo. Ask the Lord to uphold her and meet her every need.

  6. Praise God for the 31 persons who are traveling today on the mission to Egbura Koto. Thank Him for everyone who has contributed financially towards the trip, Praise God for the door He has opened for us there. Pray for safety for team members traveling from different locations. Ask the Lord to protect and equip everyone to communicate the Message of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray they encounter God in a very powerful way and become instruments of His blessing upon the land.

  7. We are learning from the Pathways Course that prayer is an indispensable and vital part of a people movement to God. Pray for the beloved Egbura Koto people. Ask the Lord to help us gain more insight into their worldview and be able to present the Message of Christ better. Pray for supernatural revelation of God’s power to them. Pray for power encounters in the communities.

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