Have you heard of the Waves of Missions?
William Carey is credited as starting the First Era of missions in 1792, creating the first mission agency called the Baptist Missionary Society, distinct from his denomination. His work centered on coastal regions and he is fondly known as the Father of Modern Mission. The Second Era began with James Hudson Taylor, who said “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s provision”. In 1865 Hudson Taylor started the China Inland Mission, known today as OMF. His focus was on taking the Gospel to the interiors, beyond coastal places. The Third Era of missions has focused on Unreached Peoples. The key figures who gave clarity to this new focus were Cameron Townsend who started Wycliffe Bible Translators in 1934, Donald McGavran and of course Ralph D. Winter. They clearly defined what is needed to finish the task.
What if another wave of mission is already underway? Imagine what could happen if an army of professionals are unleashed into the remaining unreached people groups. What if hundreds of thousands of doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, teachers, engineers, sociologists, lawyers and even accountants take time off their vocations and converge on the field – using their skills and passion to proclaim the Message of Christ to those who are waiting to hear for the first time!

Adonai Partners is a Christian non-profit mission and development organization dedicated to giving opportunity to professionals willing to use their skills, passion and resources to impact their world for Christ. We work with and through churches and missionaries to take the love of Christ to those least exposed to the Good News.
Established in October 2006, Adonai Partners has been strategically positioned to impact the world for Christ – especially poor, vulnerable and unreached people. Our short-term teams of volunteers serve in Uganda, Togo, Nigeria and Ghana carrying out high-impact medical and dental outreaches, touching people with God’s love and compassionate action that results in community transformation. Inspired by our Christian values, we have been demonstrating God’s love to unreached people and those affected by war, disease or extreme poverty. In practical ways, we are bringing hope through our medical, educational, training, mentorship, development and other community based humanitarian programs. What is happening is the Biblical principle that love should be demonstrated both verbally and in action. God is using ordinary people to do extra-ordinary things for God. Our programs are designed to be holistic and create a platform that enables professionals to proclaim the message of Christ by words of hope and deeds of compassion.
Be a part of the Fourth Wave! Come with us on a short-term mission trip!!
Where faith meets works …and love takes action!
