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Announcing our Mission Trips for Summer 2022

Updated: Apr 1, 2022

It’s time to GO!

In Mark 16:15, our Lord Jesus commanded us to “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone” (NLT). Paul made this personal. He stated in Romans 15:20, “My ambition has always been to preach the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else.” Taking the Good News to those who have not heard is our passion in Adonai Partners.

Adonai Partners’ strategic objective is to bring transformation to the poor and vulnerable communities in the countries where we work. We proclaim the message of Christ through practical acts of love. We encourage, equip and inspire believers to authentic Christian expression. With our eyes on the harvest, we carry out different community outreaches, especially medical, youth and children programs as well as discipleship and community programs. In ministering to children, we’re laying a strong foundation for the future of the Church of Christ in the community. Please come with us to Nigeria, Uganda and Togo this summer and Ghana in September. The proposed dates are shown below.

What a privilege to be His hands and feet with audacity. It is time to GO!

We also ask for your prayers. Pray that more people will come to Christ during the mission trips. If you are unable to travel at this time, you can financially support those who are able to go. Thank you for casting your bread upon life giving waters, it will surely come back refreshingly as the Lord has promised. Together, we’re bringing holistic transformation to some of the most vulnerable people in Africa.


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